Exercises And Impact On Key Body Hormones

Hormone #1 -- The Internal Fountain of Youth

This hormone is ground zero for your body's ability to repair itself from daily wear and tear -- I am talking about human growth hormone or HGH.

No wonder its nickname is the "youth" hormone -- it helps you burn fat, shape muscle, strengthen joints, build strong bones, make skin tight, smooth and radiant and heals damaged tissue.

But the less HGH you have, the MORE your body composition is made up of fat and the LESS it is made up of muscle -- NOT what you want at any age.

Unfortunately, by the time you turn 35, levels of this youth hormone have plummeted to the point where your body shape starts going to hell in a hand basket.

Plus, you ache more, your skin is more coarse and wrinkly, your organs start to degrade... everything just seems to NOT work as well any more... THAT's how powerful HGH is.

Hormone #2 -- The Master Metabolic Regulator

Fatigue, constipation, body aches and pains, loss of interest  in things normally important to you -- these are all signs that your master metabolic regulator is on the fritz.

Your thyroid hormone is in charge of your metabolism, but as you age, your thyroid function starts to decline -- in fact, it's estimated that over 40% of the adult population has an under-performing thyroid.

Consider this: If you eat the same calories when you are 40 as you did when you were 30, but your metabolism is 20-30% slower, what do you think happens?

You get fat and you get tired.

But the problems don't stop there as a slow thyroid can really mess with your mind, causing memory, focus and concentration issues. 

It also disrupts your mood -- bringing on depression and general loss of interest in things that are normally important to you.

Hormone #3 -- Your Primary Fat Maker Switch

There are 80,000+ toxins that are in everything from the air we breathe to the foods we eat to the liquids we drink .

As we age, our ability to detoxify these poisons decreases and they begin to do REAL damage... and eventually BLOCK our hormones, insulin in particular.

When insulin -- your blood sugar controller -- is blocked, you become an outright fat making machine as your pancreas cranks out ever more, which signals to your liver to crank out even MORE fat while locking existing body fat in place, preventing it from being burned for energy.

In fact, the average fasting glucose level rises 6-14 mg/dL for each 10 years after age 50, all cause by our cells becoming LESS sensitive to insulin's blood-sugar lowering powers.

You Do NOT Have to Live with These Problems Forever!

Unfortunately, most people THINK that hormonal problems are just something they'll be doomed to live with as they age -- that is unless they want to go on an expensive and potentially DANGEROUS regimen of hormone replacement shots.

 ...so imagine all these mishaps and you still think "No MFC" is a big thing. just for one month when it should actually be a lifestyle. By the way no MFC means no Meat, Fish and Chicken consumption. Then we are on a long thing ooo.
 For planning a marathon race. It is a MUST. A prerequisite to prove that Kobby's link soo wrong. After the finish line you shall be strong enough to parry and toast. Not write a bad experience.
And that is what I believe is the focus.


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