We Are Going To 42km, Game On!!

We Are Going To 42km, Game On!!

No more BS.
No more bitching
No more groaning
No more whining like pussies. (I mean meowing like pussy cats)
"Oh I am scared of heights - get a parachute - "Oh I am scared of the heat....Why? Does it make your mascara run? Poor baby!"
Oh my bum hurts...oh my legs are weak...oh I am too old for this?...oh I have no motivation.  F@#$% those thoughts.....
Oh me run a marathon...aw hell nah..that's too far.  Your ass just ran 21km straight in CT.  Did it kill you? Did you walk bow legged afterwards?  So why will another 21km do that.  Your mind is playing tricks on you and me.  ? It tells all the things you cant do...YES YOU CAN BRUH!
None of the above excuses get results.  We want to be super fit.  We want to be super rich.  Trust me your wife will love you more for it!

So let this soak in to every Road Warrior wherever you are around the world....

What are we? Warriors or rabbits? Lions or kittens? Gladiators or spectators?

Let me remind us all of the road warrior mantras (I actually need to remind my own lazy butt too - I found myself descending into a lazy stupor so I am giving myself a swift kick in the rump now)

"After you make the first million - what do you do?  Make the next one and the next 10." 
"Come rain or shine, drunk or sober, we RUN"
"And when you have done your very best and they kill you. Rise and rise and rise Again!"

Its SHOWTIME people.
Quit eating and drinking crap. 
Start working out today not tomorrow
Get up earlier than others
Work harder and work smarter......get richer
Get  back on the road....run slow.....run fast....walk...fly...never give up!

So men we are done celebrating (or recovering from) Cape Town.....and yes that sucker was good.  The run was awesome and we broke our personal records. Now we move on to Kilimanjaro or Cancun or Cayman or wherever the Marathon Committee decides the next challenge will be towards year end or next year - so you have 6 - 9 months to train.  No more excuses.
Figure out how you personally will get to 42km ....or how you will be a good spectator watching the rest of us from the sidelines.  


By The Chair

Notice how he said "..WE ARE GOING TO RUN A FOOL MARATHON!!.." Because the idea sounded like a fool's errand and gotta be fools attempting such feat. Today we are on the road to running a FULL MARATHON! We are training hard courtesy of  The Whip. She is a monster. Dont mess with her.


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