Runnners Black Toenails, Blister Prevention And Treatment

Blisters, Runners Feet, Heel Spur, Health, Bunions

Blisters are like right of passage for runners. You haven't one yet, its like you haven't started running seriously. Some can very severe. The picture is above is a mild case of blisters.

Annoying and painful, blisters are caused by friction, usually your shoes or socks rubbing against your skin. Anything that intensifies rubbing can start a blister, including a faster pace, poor-fitting shoes and foot abnormalities, such as bunions, heel spurs and hammertoes. Heat and moisture intensify friction by making your feet swell.
That explains why many runners only suffer blisters during races, especially marathons. You're perspiring more, running faster and longer, sloshing through water stations and, if its warm, pouring water over your head.
The body responds to the friction by producing fluid, which builds up beneath the part of the skin being rubbed, causing pressure and pain. A blood blister occurs when the friction ruptures tiny blood vessels.
While most blisters dont pose a serious health risk, they should be treated with respect.,A painful blister can sideline a runner, but more importantly, a blister can also get infected. Serious infections can result when one uses a dirty needle to pop a blister.
Prevention of Blisters
Moisten your feet. Just like sweaty skin, dry skin is also more prone to friction. Use skin creams and lotions liberally on a daily basis to maintain proper moisture.
Choose blister-free socks. Synthetic socks wick moisture away from the skin. Cotton may be lighter, but it retains fluid. Socks with reinforced heels and toes also help reduce friction.
Run with slick skin. Coat your feet with Vaseline or another lubricant before you run. Or use Second Skin, a padded tape that stays on even when wet. Both methods form a protective shield between your skin and sock.

Double up. Wear two pairs of socks so the friction occurs between the two socks, rather than between the sock and skin. If your shoe now feels too tight, go up a half-size as long as your foot doesn't slide around, making blisters a possibility.
Wear shoes and socks that fit. Shoes that are too small will cause blisters under the toes and on the ends of the toenails. There should be a thumbs width of space between the toes and end of the toe box. Your socks should fit smoothly, with no extra fabric at the toes or heels.
Treatment of Blisters
If you have a large blister, drain it. If you don't drain it, your blister will hurt, and it could puncture on its own.
To drain the blister, wash your hands, then wipe a needle with alcohol to sterilize it. Don't put the needle in a flame, says Dr. Laps. You'll get carbon particles in your skin, he says. The carbon can further irritate the wound.
Once you've punctured the blister, carefully drain the liquid by pushing gently with your fingers near the hole. Then cover the blister with a tight bandage to keep bacteria from getting in.
You can take the bandage off periodically and soak your foot in Epsom salts (follow package directions) to draw out the fluid. After soaking, put on a fresh bandage. Its a good idea to keep a bandage on until the skin tightens up again.
If you've got a small blister, leave it intact. The skin acts as a protective covering over a sterile environment. Furthermore, if the fluid amount is small and you try to pop it, you could cause additional problems by making it bleed. Leave small blood blisters intact, also. Otherwise, you risk getting bacteria into your bloodstream.
For small blisters, cut a hole the size of the blister in the middle of a piece of moleskin, then place it over the blister and cover it with gauze. The blister will dry out and heal on its own.
A blister under a nail is best treated by a professional. You never want to deliberately remove the toenail.

Blisters, Runners Feet, Heel Spur, Health, Bunions, Blacktoe

Black Toenails
There are several causes of black nails in runners and non-runners.

The most common among runners is bruising or slight bleeding under the nail from repetitive trauma of the top of the shoe striking the nail with each step or the toe sliding forward into the end of the shoe. This is common in runners training for marathons and highly competitive runners training at high intensity and volume. These nail injuries are generally not painful, though sometimes the nails do thicken. They will heal when the training volume and intensity decreases, and the repetitive trauma ceases. A shoe with adequate toe room will also help in some cases. (Note: Drilling a hole into the nail to "drain" the blood will not help this problem, and may hurt!)

Subungual hematoma is less common but more painful. It's the result of trauma to the nail area (like being stepped on, or dropping a heavy object on the toe) that causes blood to accumulate under the nail. The pool of blood produces pressure and often severe, throbbing pain.

A subungual hematoma does require making a hole in the nail, to decompress the blood pool and relieve the pressure causing the pain. This is best left to your physician. 

There are other causes of black toenails to consider. One is fungal infection that can thicken the nail and sometimes turns the nail dark, almost black. This can be treated with oral antifungal medications over six months' time. The thickened nails can be painful but generally are not throbbing.

Finally, a black spot under the nail can be a melanoma. If you have a dark spot under the nail that does not go away, have your physician check it.

One tip regarding nail polish: It is tempting to hide black nails with polish. While this does improve the look of the nail, it does not allow the nail to breathe, and you may risk losing the nail.
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Healthy Habits And Lifestyle: You Are What You Eat 2

Here are some foods that nutritionists say you must take off your menu starting from today:


Meat is not as nutritious as we think. It can contain 20 to 30 per cent of fat. Instead, look for lean fish with no more than 10 per cent fat. Or for a healthier protein source that is easy to chew, like lean chicken.

High-salt foods

If you are over 40 or in a high-risk group, doctors recommend that you get no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium each day. Too much sodium can raise your blood pressure and put you at higher risk for heart attack and stroke.Want to know foods that have a lot of salt? The main culprits are processed foods, such as frozen foods and meat, snack foods, potato and banana chips, and macaroni and spaghetti. Read labels carefully and look for “sodium free,” low-salt, or no-salt alternatives.


Alcohol disrupts sleep and can raise your blood pressure as you age. Though moderate drinking may reduce your risk of heart attack and some types of strokes. But as you age, alcohol may affect you differently, even if you are used to a glass of wine with dinner or a beer with TV. Alcohol can also cause hypoglycemia in people with diabetes. It even affects the way medicines work. Talk to your doctor about your alcohol use.


Although caffeine may not be a problem for everyone, it can make some people feel anxious or jittery. Caffeine can also increase your heart rate and cause sleeping problems. If you are trying to cut back, be sure to taper off slowly. Stopping caffeine too quickly may cause headaches, nausea, or vomiting. Slowly replace caffeinated drinks with water, herbal tea, or decaf as you age.

Whatever your age, you can start making positive lifestyle changes today. Eating well can help you stay healthy and independent – and look and feel good – in the years to come.To eat healthier, you can begin by taking small steps, making one change at a time. For instance, you might just start with taking out meat.
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Healthy Habits And Lifestyle: You Are What You Eat 1

 Lifestyle, Eat Right, Healthy Habits, Diet and Nutrient

As there are habits you drop as you grow older, so there are foods that should tick off your menu list as you approach your 50s.You need not wonder why it is so important to drop your favourite food as you age, doctors have always said that your diet after 40 will either make or mar your health.Consultant cardiologist, Dr. Tayo Akinsanya, says that people above the age of 40 must remember the adage, “You are what you eat” and also make it their motto.

He states that eating the right food as you clock 40 may reduce one’s chances of developing heart diseases, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancers.According to him, the digestive system slows down as one grows older, and an adult must make food choices that would boost its efficiency.Akinsanya says,“The digestive system is not as efficient as it used to be when you were in your 30s. It is slower and you will need to eat foods that have high water and fibre content so it can aid digestion. You would also need to eat highly nutritious foods that give energy like beans. You cannot afford to eat foods that have little or no nutrients, you will only be over working the liver.“For instance, I do not think anybody above 40 should still be eating white bread or pastries. They contain no water, it is difficult to digest and it has little or no nutrients. It has a lot of salt too, which can increase your blood pressure but many adults seem to eat a lot of it. If you have to eat it at all, make sure it is the wheat or brown bread.”

Akinsanya says another reason why one must eat the right foods in the right amount as one approaches 50 is to reduce risk of developing type 2 diabetes and hypertension – conditions that are common in elderly people.The cardiologist explains that adults may have to reduce their food portions to reduce the amount of calories stored in the body’s fat cells to avoid obesity.“You are probably not as active as you used to be, so you will also need to reduce the portion of food you eat. Consuming the right number of calories for your level of physical activity helps you control your weight so that you don’t add weight.“Extra weight is a concern for older adults because it can increase the risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease and can increase joint problems. Eating more calories than your body needs for your activity level will lead to extra pounds that will only make you get terminal diseases easily.’This does not mean you should lose weight as experts note that since one is less physically active, one will only need to eat small portions of foods to stay at the same weight.They advise that choosing mostly nutrient-dense foods – foods which have a lot of nutrients but relatively few calories – can give one the nutrients one needs while keeping down calorie intake.
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I Will Survive - Road Warrior Remix After A Hard Workout Session

Im sure you may have heard the original song and know the lyrics but have heard the remix from our able Chair the lyricist? If you jammed this song back in the day, we have an idea of your age. Gloria Gaynor would definitely love this version too lol. The Chair had to whip out this remix after hard Road Warrior workout session.

Whip thanks for all you do!  Today in the rain was a whip whacking workout. Force, thanks for stepping in for the Whip on Tuesday.  I did a little write up to tell the Whip we missed her terribly on Tuesday the Force whipped the crap out of all of us on the hills.  Whip, you did not show so I wrote you this song................

"At first I was afraid I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never run without you by my side
But then I spent so many days
Just working with the Force
And I grew strong
And I learned how to push my core
And so you're back
from outer space
Jogging here in spandex screaming “run in place”
I should have changed our meeting point
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second you'd be back for insanity
Go on now go, run out of here
Just turn around now
Check the green shoots in my core
Weren't you the one who tried to make me run with stealth
Did you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd Paula on my self?

Oh no not I. I will survive
Oh as long as I know how to plank
I know I’ll stay in shape
I've got all my life to run
As long as I don’t weigh a ton
I'll survive...I will survive…. Hey hey!

It took all strength I had not to fall apart
Kept trying' hard to eat a little less MFC
Spent oh so many nights
Just feeling sorry for my core, I used to cry
But now I just raise my knees up high
And you see me, with a body new
No longer the little blob who envies you
And so you felt like dropping in
And just expect me to be keen
But now I'm saving all of my strength for someone who runs with me

Go on now go, walk out the door
Go see The Bull now

The little teacher’s pet for you
Weren't you the one who tried to crush me with warrior 2
Did you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die?

Oh no not I. I will survive
Oh as long as I know how to race
I’ll do your face
I've got all my life to run
As long as I don’t weigh a ton
I'll survive...I will survive…. Hey hey!

By The Chair
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Decide To Win Warriors, Decide To Live

After a conversation with the Masai and Vice Chair Consistency, it dawned on me that

In life, we don't get to choose which family we are born into
We don't get to chose who becomes our boss
We don't get to choose a lot of things

But to be a Real Road Warrior is all about "choices and decisions"
Do you choose to win or do you choose to lose
Do you decide to win or do you decide to lose
Do you decide to live...or let others tell you how to live
Do you choose to go the distance or do you decide to quit
Do you chose to eat right or do you eat and drink crap and let yourself go
Do you decide to be strong or chose the path of least resistance and weakness
Do you decide to be happy or do you decide to sink into mindless despair
Do you decide to contribute to society or decide to live an empty life of greed


By The Chair
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Smart Run Watch Review: Adidas miCoach Smart Run Watch Is An Expensive Disaster

Adidas Smart Run, Smart Run Watch Review, Chitchat,

If you think all smart watches are smart think again. Adidas michoach smart run watch is a dumb smart watch. Below is the agony tail of an infuriated Road Warrior who purchased the dumb smart watch. The very poor customer service that followed is of the highest disservice. In his words, this is his candid review of the Adidas smart run watch.

""The Adidas smart run watch has been the worst purchase I made this year and in my opinion should be recalled. A friend and I bought one each for the Cape Town Two Oceans marathon in April 2014. It was the most expensive one on offer and we got teased to no end by all the other members of our running club who bought competing products at half the price but I was attracted by what looked like really exciting features advertised, especially the pace and heart rate measurements. The device worked on race day but since then its been a complete disaster with one issue after the other.

First of all it never locates GPS signal quickly. I have completed numerous 10-20km training sessions with the device still looking for the GPS signal. Secondly, the heart rate monitor stopped registering my heartbeat after a few months and so i switched that feature off and continued using GPS when it would work occasionally.

Then finally a week ago, the device stopped working full stop. It autopaused 1km into my 16km run and did not resume the workout when I continued running nor does it charge anymore. My friend who I bought it with has exactly the same issue.

We took it up with micoach support asking them to help fix or replace the product and they are honestly the most unhelpful support group in the history of customer service. They refused to honour a credit card statement showing proof of purchase and one week later they still refuse to do anything to be helpful.

I went into an Adidas store to complain and even though the staff in the store said they have so many returns for this product, the manager was equally unhelpful and couldnt do anything. In summary, if you want to buy this product, don't. Rather poke yourself in the eye with a long stick, its less painful.""

Bitter disappointed unsatisfied customer, Yemi

As a result of this Road Warriors as a group are boycotting the use of any DUMB Adidas smart run watch. You can never go wrong with Garmin. I mean on top of a bad product, you have very bad customer service too? Come on Adidas, this wasnt the future Adolf  'Adi' Dassler envisioned. This isnt complaint or boycott against all Adidas products, just their dumb smart run watch.

Who else want to boycott the Adidas smart run watch? If you had similar experience with your smart run watch please share.
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